
Inclusion in Watt’s List does not imply an endorsement. nor imply a partnership or privileged relationship between Watt Hamlett Consulting and any company listed.

Watt’s List operates largely on the honor system. Any firm or consultant that serves the nonprofit sector with Salesforce services can complete a profile. Watt Hamlett Consulting then conducts a basic validation of the listing via the website, LinkedIn, AppExchange and/or Trailblazer profile included on the profile. If we deem or determine that anything on a profile is inaccurate or inappropriate, we reserve the right to request revision or to reject the profile in part or in whole.

However, Watt Hamlett Consulting does not fully validate, substantiate, or guarantee the content of any profile listing. Consultants listed here are able to make any claims about their firms that they wish. Therefore, users of Watt’s List are responsible for conducting their own independent validation of any firm found here. Watt Hamlett Consulting is not responsible for any information found on a profile listing on Watt’s List nor for any consequences that may result from the actions of any of the firms listed here.

Question, concerns, or feedback should be sent to wattslist@watthamlettconsulting.com